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U.S. accuses China hackers F35 fighter planes and other advanced military technology

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday 17 July 2013 | 05:30

CMC Vice Chairman Fan Changlong (second from left) on the 28th in Beijing Bayi Building Meets with U.S. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Donilon (second from right).

[Global Times], "including the Patriot missile system, F-35 and other major weapons programs are affected by hackers in China," U.S. defense advisory group Pentagon Science and Technology Commission presented a confidential report on the 28th of exposure to mass media, U.S. analysts exclaimed, "just breathe."

Recently the United States for "Chinese hacker" book fee is that high-speed rotating media print-out, followed by one. But the moment of this revelation is very interesting report exposure, National Security Advisor to U.S. President is visiting China Donilon day top China-USA held next week in preparation. It is a "coincidence" or "hot"? No matter what calculations the United States, public opinion is widely expected, cyber attacks will be meeting U.S. leaders in California Annenberg Estate is an important topic. In addition to pirate attacks, U.S. media conversation list is long, commercial litigation crisis in the peninsula and East China Sea, South China Sea dispute Sea and a number of problems were developed before " box ".

But both sides hoping to desire for dialogue, people also saw the contradiction between trust control. Associated Press said that the meeting between the leaders of China and the United States should be outside more than a few months in advance, indicating that both sides want to control the relationship between them not depart from the road. Hoping to strengthen cooperation with China to analysts, the two largest economies in the world, if not another "Rose Garden" at least a major opportunity.

"Lists of confidential reports of damage American Chinese cyber-espionage systems of weapons," U.S. "Washington Post", 28 would be the first disclosure of the U.S. Defense Science and Technology Report to the Pentagon. Reported that the twenty-three ten largest U.S. weapons systems developed by Chinese hackers stealing U.S. missile defense involving and advanced fighter aircraft, warships and other important elements. Some Pentagon weapons in Asia, Europe and the missile defense system based in the Gulf region, such as advanced Patriot missiles, U.S. Army THAAD system and the Aegis ballistic missile defense system of the Navy. In addition, "flight risk suffering" include F/A-18, Black Hawk helicopters, Navy Littoral Combat Ship and other major new aircraft, including warships. A list of the most expensive is the F-35 U.S. fighter weapons systems, the project cost $ 1.4 trillion.

"It is shocking, is very critical weapons systems, is crucial to our national security, I heard the contents of the list, just breathe." American think tank "Project 2049 Institute," Stokes Executive Director to issue such a sigh for the report. United States, "Chicago Tribune", 28, the report explicitly the scope of the network and the length of flight, but also did not say whether the U.S. government and its contractors involved in the network, but the content will give China one can advantage of the knowledge of conflict, such as the destruction of the United States or data communication. "Washington Post" said, experts warn that China obtained by electronic intrusion technology can accelerate the development of China's weapons systems, undermine U.S. military superiority in the conflict. China passed the United States was suspected of stealing F-35 fighter designed to dramatically accelerate their development.

U.S. government experts from civil society, a high-level advisory group, the Defense Science and Technology released a report no matter how cool. Recently, the United States has made frequent accusations "Chinese hackers". At 22, former U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman (microblogging) led the "Committee steal intellectual property rights," has published a report urging the Obama administration on Chinese hackers steal intellectual property provisions in the United States sanctions. 6th of this month, the Pentagon in the "Report on China's military development and security situation," the first called directly accused the Chinese government and the military was behind the cyber attacks against the United States. Previously, the United States Angte Mandy Networks released a report accusing China of cyber attacks against the U.S. military, but also triggered a public outcry.

Although the Chinese government repeatedly gave to refute these accusations, but some agencies and the media in the United States of America on mutual cooperation, "Chinese hackers" have added insult to injury. United States, "Globe and Mail", 27, said recently about hackers and cyber warfare any conversation inevitably turned to China. . "No matter what criteria, China is the most ruthless, the most prolific and most successful in the world of pirates," Ottawa Citizen "" 27, said Mao Zedong had a famous saying: "weapon system." In Indeed, in the past, this is the case, but now attack the enemy, the computer is a great tool. Website Capitol Hill said that the House of Representatives Information Committee Chairman Rogers, United States recently said that Obama should work with China in bilateral negotiations focused on Chinese hackers attack U.S. government network. "During the discussion of all issues with China, we must first talk about the three most important issues. Internet, the Internet, or on the Internet"

"The competition states to accuse each other of engaging in cyber espionage, some people think it is to maintain economic hegemony in Washington, last chance." British "Daily Telegraph" reported on the 26th in the United States seem to explain the reasons wild accusations, "Chinese hackers." The article, entitled "Sino-US tensions, network security has become a new battleground," the report cited an example: in the 18th century in England, Derbyshire mill apprentice Samuel Slater workplace design secret recall cars textile, so he went to New York, will sell U.S. technology, competitive advantage suddenly collapsed British textile industry ...... article said that Washington's allegations that some analysts believe are motivated by economic interests. "The United States can learn what to China," a professor at New York University and author of Lee U Regina said, if five years or 50 years, China will replace the U.S. as the largest economy in the world , Washington is used primarily as a means of last resort.

"Report from the point of view" of Russia 28 reported that the United States accused hackers in China military technology, weapons policy experts subsidiary Russian Research Centre conventional to draw attention to the long-Lam, United States stated that will implement this piracy, which the United States is also the ability, which is the United States to strengthen cyber warfare capabilities in a single step. Russian Research Institute on geopolitical issues Xin Ana is skeptical of the United States said. "I was at the Pentagon that was hacked skeptical if they can not succeed when the Chinese people can not do."
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