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2020's 20 tallest buildings: "giant high-rise" building era

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday 12 June 2013 | 03:50

2020's 20 tallest buildings: "giant high-rise" building era

Chicago, December 8, 2012
In the second decade of the 21st century, we will witness not only the world's first one thousand meters tall building's birth, we will see a lot more than 600 meters (about 2000 feet) high, is the height of two Eiffel Tower times the tower built. Two years ago, before the completion of the Burj Khalifa, this building type did not exist. But by 2020, we expect to see in the world, but there are eight such construction stands up. "High-rise" (refers to more than 300 meters of high-rise buildings) are no longer appropriate to describe this type of building: we are entering "giant high-rise" buildings of the era. "Megatall" has been described as being learned building height over 600 meters ("super senior" twice the height) when the professional terminology.

11 years ago, when we enter the 21st century, Malaysia's Petronas Twin Towers to 453 meters (1483 feet) of altitude gain "world's tallest building" title. In 2004, the Taipei 101 Tower to 508 meters (1667 feet) of altitude beyond which inherit this title. The first decade of the 21st century is about to end, the Burj Khalifa to 828 meters (2717 feet, more than half a mile) high re-set the standard for high-rise buildings. Now, when more than 1000 m in Jeddah's Kingdom Tower (see Figure 2) construction work began in January 2012, we can expect this is just 20 years (2000-2020), "the world's highest building "in height will be turned twice as high.

Jeddah Kingdom Tower will be completed in 2018 to become the world's tallest building

 Perhaps most interesting is the highest in the world before, but now this is not among the top ranking. In the past 20 years, the twin towers of the world's tallest building from the first one down the first 27, and Taipei 101 building also slipped to No. 18. When we are not included in this study, but it will undoubtedly announced in this decade and began the construction of new projects within into consideration, we can predict that, in addition to Burj Khalifa and the Mecca Royal Clock Tower, the other in 2020 the highest 20 buildings currently none built (although some work has begun.

During these 20 years, we have witnessed the rise construction tremendous changes have occurred in three different periods (2000, 2010, 2020) alongside skyline clearly visible.

Trends in the global high-rise building in the context of understanding in 2020 20 tallest buildings will also be helpful. Although this twenty buildings projected average height is 598 meters (1962 feet), but when we are in 2011 year-end outlook, the current existing more than 300 meters ("super high" threshold) building just 61. In fact, in the early years, the completion of a high-rise is a very rare event - because in the world's first high-rise building birth (New York Chrysler Building, 1930) to 1995 only 15 of the 65 years of high-rise building appears. Only the mid-1990s, the birth of more than one year a new high-rise buildings before they become common, in 1995 there is no high-rise building was completed last year. Now, less than 20 years, the annual number of completed high-rise buildings will emerge and will continue double-digit growth. Meanwhile, in the next decade this huge number of high-rise buildings built in the 1990s, the number of super-tall buildings completed similar (see Figure 7). On the height, the 600 meters seems to be "updated 300 meters."

Giant high-rise and high-rise buildings completed in the number that shows the number of expected completion significant growth  

Giant high-rise and high-rise buildings completed in the number that shows the number of expected completion significant growth © CTBUH
"2020's 20 tallest buildings," the change is not just reflected in the height of the surge, the regional distribution of these works also with the previous high global 20 very different - they are located in 15 cities worldwide, significantly more than the number of 2010 when 10 cities. These projects are located in seven countries. China, in order to have the results of which ten buildings stand out. Followed by South Korea (3), Saudi Arabia (2), the United Arab Emirates (2). If we pass a larger geographic scope to analyze the information will become more clear understanding: Asia (excluding Middle East) occupied the buildings of these 20 to 70% (14). Middle East, 25% (5). The rest of a building located in North America - New York's World Trade Center Building is the only study of a building located in the Western Hemisphere. If we include the Middle East as part of the Asian continent, then Asia, including the 20 buildings in 19, which is even more determined in September 2012 will be held in Shanghai CTBUH 9th World conference theme - "Rising Asia: Sustainable urban skyscraper era. "

More than 1.3 billion citizens and rapid urbanization, population growth, China is perhaps the most reason to build high-rise buildings in the country. Chinese have these 10 works are widely distributed locations in seven cities: Shenzhen (2), Shanghai (2), Tianjin (2), Wuhan (1), Guangzhou (1), Dalian ( 1), Taipei, 2 (1). The highest to the number currently under construction, is expected to be completed in 2015, Shenzhen Ping An Financial Center (see Figure 8). When the project is completed there will be over 300,000 square meters of office space and become China's tallest building and the world's tallest office building. Also in China, high 632 meters (2073 feet), as a mixed-use Shanghai Tower (see Figure 9) and adjacent to the Shanghai World Financial Center, Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai Pudong together towering over the economic zone. Shanghai Tower unique dual surface design provide every 12-15 interlayer with "hanging gardens", including garden space. The project commenced in 2009 and will complete construction in 2014.

Figure 8. Ping Financial Center will become the tallest building in China
Figure 9. Shanghai Tower will and Jinmao Tower, Shanghai Pudong skyscrapers WFC together form
 Figure 9. Shanghai Tower will and Jinmao Tower, Shanghai WFC China's population is only 1/25, but the regional area density is twice that of China's Korean actually surprisingly includes 20 buildings in the three seat, where two located in Seoul. For South Korea from the original in 20 high school never had a high-rise building to now suddenly "burst" of several among the world's top 20 architectural dramatic change for many reasons. Perhaps the most important point is that the city did not like Korea as a world-class city has a "signature" or "milestone" in the style of architecture. Seoul's tallest building is currently planned in the city's west side overlooking the Han River in the 640 meters (2101 feet) high Seoul Light DMC Tower (see Figure 10). The building will be implemented power the entire building strategies to reduce energy use to 65%. Seoul is currently under construction and will be completed in 2015, a height of 555 meters (1819 feet) Lotte World Tower is located. In addition to these two important buildings outside the city of Seoul is still awaiting planning permission for two projects (620-meter and 540-meter-high building 111 modern global business centers), therefore not included in this study. This means that in 2020, Seoul's 20 tallest buildings occupy four places potential.

Next global core of building high-rise buildings where will? Jakarta Signature Building (see Figure 11) might suggest that the answer to that question. Indonesia currently has the tallest building built in 1996 Wisma46 building 262 meters high - the height is less than the planned Signature Tower half. In fact, many South and Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia, India and Vietnam, it seems to be the next skyscraper building in the center. These three countries combined have a global population of 1/4, currently does not have any one super high-rise buildings, and more than 250 meters of the building is only four. Visible, Signature Tower marks the high-rise building in these countries soon. The project broke ground in 2012 will also be the first quarter. Another large area located in this important project is planned in Mumbai, India 700 meter building (but construction stopped without cause unpredictable completion dates included in this study). However, this presents two giant high-rise buildings have been suggesting the potential of this region.

Figure 10 Seoul Light DMC Tower will become one of the city's skyline to

Figure 11 Jakarta Signature Tower will become the world's fifth highest

 2020 top 20 buildings in five buildings located in three countries in the Middle East: United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. These projects include the current world's tallest building - Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the future - the Kingdom Tower, and highly ranked second in the world is about building - Mecca Royal Clock Tower (see Figure 12). Obviously, these projects makes it the driving force beyond technical limitations and put things never before imagined reality. Burj Khalifa on the interpretation of this fact. In the next decade, the construction of high-rise buildings will break the record in a sense to fill the Burj Khalifa and January 4, 2010 the world's tallest building, Taipei 101, between vacancies. Therefore, in addition to outside the Kingdom Tower taller than the Burj Khalifa, in 2020 the highest 20 buildings in 15 will make up between these two buildings 320 meters height difference.

Figure 12 is nearing completion of the Mecca Royal Clock Tower Hotel will become the world's second megatall height
 After discussing the four regions in the Eastern Hemisphere / country 19 works, let us turn to the other side of the planet that the rest of the project - located in New York's World Trade Center Building (see Figure 13) in 2013 to become the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. In the "2020" study, the building ranked 12 in the world. New World Trade Center Tower 1,776 ft (541 m) of highly suggestive of the United States Declaration of Independence, it is also established by the State Year. Located near the site of the former World Trade Center, the new building designers face many great challenges, including space limitations, security concerns and the concerns of countless people. In the case of World Trade Center Building, economic factors predominates - in one of the world's major economic centers provide valuable office space; while also very strong emotional motivation - people need to tragic events from 911 to stand up again .

Figure 13 World Trade Center building is "2020 top 20 buildings," the only building in the Western Hemisphere
 "2020's 20 tallest buildings," confirms a now well-known fact: skyscraper development trend remains unchanged. 911 incident, many people predicted that the era of high-rise buildings to an end, but just as the institute shows, the number of skyscrapers in height, are changing on geographical diversification. Over unprecedented urbanization and the rapid increase in the global population will lead to the development of our city continues upward.

Before building height mainly by structural limitations. In the late 19th century, Chicago Maonadnock building demonstrated the use of masonry structures can reach a maximum height, while still providing the best possible space efficiency. 19th century, the structure, construction, and transportation and other areas of technological progress to enhance the height of the building offers the possibility. Today, worldwide breakthrough amazing building height restrictions also shows a high degree of physical restraint in the past no longer exists. So far, the problem has been left to us by the "How high can we build?" Becomes "How high should we build?" But the height will bring growing presence in the building structure, maintenance, user's energy problems. In addition, increase in height so that the core of the structure portion and a service area also will increase, but the space efficiency will decrease it.

So in what areas to increase the height of the high-rise buildings are significant benefits arising from the loss will be overshadowed by the negative impact of high energy? Undoubtedly this elusive answer will be determined by modern technology. Half a century ago, "giant high-rise" buildings may only be used as a dream to be concerned about, but now become a reality. In the near future we will be able to see the "zero energy" consumption of the giant high-rise building is not unlikely? Just as we do our best to break the structural constraints and raise the height of the building, we must now continue to do everything possible to develop environmental engineering technology to improve the high-rise building types. Therefore, when increasing the number of skyscrapers, they bring us the impact of the city - from the visual perspective, urban planning perspective, environmental point of view - will be doubled.

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13 March 2017 at 08:53

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