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v3D printing space travel Food NASA R & D funding to help

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday 16 July 2013 | 15:19

Epoch May 25, 2013 Reuters (Epoch Times reporter Renkai Wen compile reports) on NASA (NASA), the sending robots to Mars is not a problem. However, if you intend to put a man on Mars, then it must be made clear in several years during the execution of the task, how to provide food for astronauts. To this end, NASA funded a final solution may be computer fan studies: one by pressing the push-button to make entree or dessert 3D printer.\

Yes, it is human to imitate the movie "Star Trek" (Star Trek) food replicator another case. In this case, the creator wants to have a pizza party beyond space applications. This technique can also be used to feed hungry people on the planet.

According to the "Washington Post" reported, headquartered in Texas, systems and materials research company (SMRC) proposal that the company has chosen by NASA, and the allocation of $ 125,000 to develop a production suited astronaut "nutritious and delicious" 3D food printer. This printer uses a "Numerical Recipes", the combination of powder produced a structure having a real and texture characteristics of the food to the food, but also odor.

NASA plans this week to finalize the details of the research project. Earlier this month, the company held in Washington in human landing on Mars Summit (Humans 2 Mars Summit) presentation of the research project. SMRC engineer and project manager for the study of Chu Kang Specter (Anjan Contractor) in the briefing explains how to generate this idea: He had his wife with a 3D printer to print chocolates.

The chocolate experiment led to the company other types of food that can be printed out. Airline food has not actually made out of the printer, it is still just a concept. Through funding provided by NASA, the end of the year the company hopes to develop this airline food printer.

NASA spokesman Steitz (David Steitz), said in an emailed statement, to Mars, a five-year shelf life food needs or perform other long space missions, NASA's space food system currently "there is not enough nutrition or acceptable. "

Astronauts carry prepackaged foods, not in the Smithsonian (Smithsonian) gift shop sells freeze-dried ice cream, but a bit like a military meals ready to eat (MRE). Steitz said that this preparation does not taste good food, and the fact that excessive processing "decomposed food micronutrients." Not too many varieties, as all combinations are determined in advance the food is good. Placed in a small metal box 1 year or 3 years later, the taste is completely different.

In this proposal, the company said, 3D printed food is based on the nutritional needs of each astronaut to produce, so it will improve health, and perhaps more importantly, reduce the boredom of food.

SMRC research director Owen (avid Irvin) said that, SMRC printer first goal is to make the humble pizza. This is because it contains a variety of nutrients and flavor. More importantly, one layer is a layer of pizza, which is used for 3D printing technology is an important principle.

According to figures blueprint, has recently been very popular this printer by adding millions of times more materials can build a three-dimensional object. Fans have been using this printer to produce gun from the plastic toys to everything.

In the proposal SMRC, all nutrients in foods, such as proteins and carbohydrates, as these are stored in powder form in the cartridge, so that no loss of nutrients. When astronauts choose a recipe and all necessary ingredients are placed in the mixing chamber, where these ingredients with water and oil mixed together. Then, these mixed ingredients to these mixed ingredients was heated and sprayed onto the heated bottom of the printer. Thus, layer after layer, the food in the bottom of the form, until done. Made out of the food is hot and fresh from the oven and bake just like out of the same.

Owen said: "The pizza is just to prove that the printer made out of food underneath is hard, the middle is soft, and the top like a meat-like."

The company said that, in theory, those homesick astronauts from their mothers and even where to get a care package: The printer can communicate and Earth, receive individualized instruction, or "recipes." Kang Chu Specter said in his report: "Mom design on the computer a cookie, the cookie is sent to such a small space shuttle, and then her son (or daughter) to print out a little at Christmas cookies. "

NASA said that the proposal is interesting, in part because it can reduce spacecraft weight, but also because this technique can be used for other purposes.

3D printer used to produce food is not a new idea. In 2011, Cornell University designed a printer, you can use a syringe injection to make the dough food. Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) proposed 3D printer can use some, such as seaweed, grass, and even insects and other organisms as a protein ingredient ideas.

SMRC said, looking NASA funded partly motivated to pursue the challenges of world hunger, which is more noble goal. Kang Chu Specter said in his report, by eliminating waste and make it easier to store and transport nutrients, foods can increase print Earth food system efficiency. The company is also envisaged for military purposes in the printing of food, because it can reduce food transportation.

But experts warn people not to think that technology can solve the world's nutritional problems. Oxfam America (Oxfam America) food security and hunger policy director Kripke (Gawain Kripke) said: "This technology is not a panacea to solve the problem of hunger." He said the idea behind this technology is welcome but is unlikely to have an impact in the short term. He said: "The impact is more likely to be more simple techniques, such as facilitation of tractors and seeds."
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