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Looking to the future U.S. space combat anti-radiation

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday 17 July 2013 | 05:42


SA-6  Dover is a vehicle-mounted mobile launch medium-range, low-altitude air defense missile weapon system, used to deal in the 5-25 km distance, height 60-100 m subsonic and supersonic radio patrol ship missiles can intercept . First exhibited in 1967, the former Soviet Union 80 years more advanced anti-aircraft missiles. Semi-active radar homing guidance, fragmentation warhead, all playing length 6.2 m, 0.34 m diameter bomb, the largest closed


 SA-6 Dover is a vehicle-mounted mobile launch medium-range, low-altitude air defense missile weapon system, used to deal in the 5-25 km distance, height 60-100 m subsonic and supersonic radio patrol ship missiles can intercept . First exhibited in 1967, the former Soviet Union 80 years more advanced anti-aircraft missiles. Semi-active radar homing guidance, fragmentation warhead, all playing length 6.2 m, 0.34 m diameter bomb, the largest closed.


SA-6  Dover is a vehicle-mounted mobile launch medium-range, low-altitude air defense missile weapon system, used to deal in the 5-25 km distance, height 60-100 m subsonic and supersonic radio patrol ship missiles can intercept . First exhibited in 1967, the former Soviet Union 80 years more advanced anti-aircraft missiles. Semi-active radar homing.

 U.S. Raytheon HARM anti-radiation missile designed to find the pod.


Mounted on the aircraft carrier in the U.S. Navy HARM anti-radiation missiles.

 AGM-154 JSOW mounted on U.S. Navy F/A-18E/F carrier-based fighter pilot.

Disclaimer : This article is "World Outlook" magazine for "Jianchuanzhishi Network Edition" exclusive articles. Without permission, please do not reprint.

● cat and mouse game: Doppler frequency and speed dial gauge

Fighter in the fast-paced, high-intensity combat to defeat air defense missile space, the most important thing is confusing its radar, especially guidance radar guided missile attack. In modern guidance radar, the widespread adoption of pulsed Doppler system, this system is in fact the principle of measuring speed aircraft approaching toward or away from the radar to make flight changes due to the radial velocity Doppler frequency, the vast majority of Doppler radar systems use a speed filter to filter out the Doppler frequency is below a certain value, in order to prevent ground clutter and useful radar signals mixed together. In order to make the penetration successful fighter must make themselves formed on enemy radar Doppler velocity filter is located just below the threshold, or in the threshold, the constant in the "warning", "lift" between flashes to the enemy radar operators in a tough spot. As long as the pilot found to be tracked, and immediately converted to the axis of the radar beam direction of 90 ° flight, the aircraft radar for radial velocity component is reduced until it is 0, the Doppler frequency will be zero or approximately zero, the plane aircraft will be on the radar screen disappears. Accordance with the "0 Doppler speed" fly period, the pilot into direct flights towards the radar away, when once again was found, and transferred to 90 ° routes. If the fighter using S-shaped route closer and closer to the target, then you can make the enemy radar never been able to trace his own, but also to break through the defense - this tactic has been proven in combat: in 1998, the Iraqi Air Force MiG-25 attempts Anglo-American no-fly zone to break the blockade of their country empty combat, successfully challenged the use of this tactic is far better than their Anglo-American subsonic maneuverability third-generation fighter.

Of course, for fixed and blind speed range of smaller ground radar, the attack aircraft penetration difficulty bigger. To 1000 km / h speed-flying aircraft to confuse modern Doppler radar, the pilot must be above "0 Doppler speed" routes angle error control in ± 3 ° or less, otherwise it can not fool the enemy. To this end air defense missile sites to pinpoint within 600 meter radius circle, to the existing radar warning device, whether on the distance or angle measurement are unable to meet this requirement. Coupled with guidance radar is also used more and more new technologies, enough to deceive airborne radar threat warning that lets pilots before the missile approaching unsuspecting. Currently, accurately and quickly locate enemy air defense missile fire control radar Moroto, location of the aircraft and the pilot's ability to survive the increasing influence of the force. U.S. Air Force F-22 designed for the comprehensive integration of electronic warfare systems, while the radar warning device integrated into the electronic warfare defense systems, and to the F-35 is more ready to signal processing electronic warfare systems, threat evaluation, precise positioning fire control system with the goal Moroto calculate staple function to integrate together. Expansion of existing fighter radar warning device, single-use, and strengthen internal loading electronic warfare aircraft capabilities, and also to avoid the F-16, F/A-18 fighter jets and other tasks in the implementation of high-threat had hung under the wing dedicated electronic warfare pod situation, to prevent aircraft maneuverability and combat capability reduced.

Although the new radar warning device and integrated electronic warfare system performance has been greatly improved, but in some extreme cases, there are still limitations. To address this situation, the new U.S. approach is to use data fusion technology to detect the target location. Combat aircraft in active duty in the United States, F-15E, F/A-18, B-1B and B-2A's fire control radar with a high-resolution synthetic aperture radar capabilities, initially had this capability when used for ground attack mapping and target identification. But after using the data fusion theory, active radiation synthetic aperture radar receiver enemy radar and passive electronic reconnaissance calibration target technology to become the perfect match. Even though the guidance radar has a variety of means to fight, as long as it boot, fighter won a radar warning device general direction, synthetic aperture radar will be able to take advantage of high-precision measurement features to search for, identify. U.S. Air Force F-22 is now being attempted on a new method for precise positioning signal source: integrated electronic warfare system provides the approximate target position, distance, etc. Moroto, and then confirmed by the GPS system, and then by the fire control computer to the APG- 77 phased array radar, carried out by its synthetic aperture scan mapping. Finally, if possible, then the data link local or wide area BG further check and information integration. In order to prevent excessive concentration control aircraft airline pilots remain at "0 Doppler speed" security zone neglecting other aspects of the threat, the U.S. F-35 fighter aircraft designer Northrop? Martin proposed a new concept: the fire through the computer the target data processing control unit calculates the current threat of the best tracks, binding into the flight control unit, assisted by the autopilot control aircraft pilots. Then the pilot control the aircraft as long as the general, anti-Doppler radar will be able to automatically keep track of the big "S" Track flight, once the new danger, the computer immediately gives tips for the pilot to change course to avoid judgment, or to continue flight and the use of active or passive electronic warfare systems bait confrontation. Using this technique, the pilot anti-radiation during high-threat attacks will get an unprecedented degree of freedom.

● four cloth eyes and ears: airdrop bait and ground surveillance sensor

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. Air Force for the South along North Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh Trail guerrillas deliver supplies put a lot of vibration sensors, they began to stop monitoring after landing around, once the North Vietnamese personnel, vehicles go through, it sends data to the air "listen" patrol aircraft, attack aircraft will arrive later bombed. However, this sensor can not report to the aircraft ground targets precise location, but can not guide the aircraft before the U.S. aircraft found in Vietnamese projection precision-guided munitions, so this mode of combat victories gained little. Can be used as a restriction on freedom of movement means anti-aircraft missiles, aerial ground surveillance sensor (hereinafter referred to as monitoring sensor) has been concerned. After the Vietnam War, the development of electronic technology continues to play the previous constraints monitor sensor performance communication problem no longer be an obstacle. The advent of VLSI technology, a new generation of sensors can be reduced to the size of the size of an egg, can be loaded CBU-87 dispenser or AGM-154 Jiesuo within five. And the sensor sensitivity is also greatly improved reconnaissance, surveillance sensors Vietnam era pilots expected to achieve: the ability to target precise positioning themselves; there is enough bandwidth to guide air-launched weapon to the target; may be required in accordance with the direction of the pilot remote sensor on the target search area. And the use of their tactics have changed as technology advances. Typically, the monitoring sensor is put into the designated area in advance of a predetermined signal characteristics goal monitoring, reporting. However, if the task requires, fighters can also put in action live and become the eyes and ears among pilots out into the jaws of death. For example, an attack aircraft has been found that the radar threat, but can not determine its precise location, do not know what it is in a state of war. Then you can wake up scattered all over the target area surface surveillance sensors, as long as the target moves or missile, the sensor will be able to send their exact location. The remaining thing is to choose what type of ammunition to destroy it.

In order to act as a "falsehoods" effect, the U.S. military in the design of future ground-based sensors to simulate natural shape as far as possible, the nest, cow dung, stumps and other objects are imitating wild common blueprint. Alternatively, use military force against its channel, the monitor and the U.S. made the most common airdrop BLU-97 / B warhead similar bullet shape, so that the enemy would not approach. Because anti-aircraft missile units are not excluded from the attachment of a dedicated tool EOD detachments airport ground units, unless superiors strengthen support for, or not removed in a short period of "suspected bomb" sensors, anti-radiation Furthermore according to the U.S. military combat battlefield reconnaissance previous record anti-radiation missile attack by anti-aircraft unit's first reaction was swift retreat, to avoid being attacked again - according to the U.S. military's standard tactics, destroying the core of anti-aircraft missile guidance radar system can no longer use the other side returned fire after the missile, with the attendant to using napalm, cluster bombs scattered boxes, FAE and other lethal weapons took the opportunity to eliminate the remaining area of ​​missile launchers and ancillary equipment vehicles, preventing complement each other on a new radar vehicle immediately after the fighting resumed. Therefore, anti-radiation attack ground sensors as long as they adhere to the 5 to 10 minutes, will be able to fully grasp the enemy's combat effectiveness and withdrawal of combat readiness trends, etc., to facilitate planning next steps.

In modern space confrontation, at the head of the general will not be manned combat aircraft. In order to "wake up" ambush attack fleet silence waiting the arrival of the radar, to lure their boot camp unmanned decoys and decoy most appropriate. In 1982, Israel's war in the Bekaa Valley in Syria using UAVs cheated out of 19 SA-6 position location wars classic. The U.S. Air Force strategic bomber forces from 1950 has been committed to the development of air-launched decoy is representative of this deception tactics. Because of operational thinking dictates, America's future will be carried out airstrikes range combat-based, so the U.S. will be more widely adopted air-launched decoy, and the development of a new generation of fighter aircraft can also mount the air-launched decoy. Bomber bomb load than the big guys cabin, this bait can be used directly fighter weapons hanging beams, or loaded F-22, F-35's internal bomb bay. At the same time to reduce the size of the new bait also improved reconnaissance capability, in addition to the analog machine tools, but also to collect threat signal, or carry infrared, television and other means of detection when the decoy enemy reconnaissance incidentally, arrived to get the most recent information. Because of price limits, inexpensive, consumable air-launched decoy Although it is impossible to determine the precise location where the threat radar, up to point out where the target quadrant, but it can detect signals which are currently on the air "broadcasting", is the target indication radar, or irradiation guidance radar. According to the work-to-air radar in the different nature, but also to analyze the air defense missile system in which the state of war.

When was shot down or fly to the target area, the bait's mission does not end. U.S. military's vision is that these baits after landing with sensors can also continue to monitor the enemy's movements, constitutes a larger area of ​​the information network. This is the sensor anti-strike and anti-crash of research. As the power of anti-aircraft missile warhead growing, to make the bait sensors on both stability and can be withstood shrapnel or high accelerations crashed against the impact is not easy. But I believe in the next three to five years, this problem will be solved.

● Conclusion: The spiral of confrontation

End of this year, Langley Air Force Base in the United States the first Fighter Wing will formally equipped F/A-22. This will also be put into active service F/A-22 start. The F-35 is also being stepped up testing. The next five to 10 years, these two fighters will be a steady stream of investment in new generation of active, their supersonic cruise capability, more modern stealth and agile maneuverability, as well as detection performance can be much lower than the modern fighter fire control radar multifunction RF system will greatly improve the level of anti-radiation USAF and information warfare capabilities, to the information age, especially in defense electronic warfare electronic warfare poses a severe challenge. Ground air defense consequent must also take precautions to make changes as soon as possible. Technical, tactical, war and the whole of human society, is in such a spiral rising to constantly evolve. Open space against the contradictions of the dispute, will never disappear.

Modern electronic warfare common terms in bilingual

Radar warning device radar-warning receiver, RWR

Electromagnetic silence emissions control, EMCON

Doppler frequency Doppler frequency, DF

Ground surveillance sensor unattended Sensors, US

Electronic surveillance system electronic surveillance, ES

Air-launched decoy scaled miniature air-launched decoy, MALD

Integrated air defense system, integrated air defense system, IADS

Human in the loop human-in-the-loop

Double-edged sword: data link system

Although the data in the open-chain performance electronic warfare combat increasingly obvious, but the consequences of over-dependence on it is serious: Once the transmission line problems, errors or manipulate people, leading to a serious decline in the data link performance or even failure of the whole system combat capability will be greatly reduced. Therefore, any national air forces are not able to completely modernized attack power base was built on the basis of the data link. Otherwise, it would mean surrendering the initiative enemy. For example, a blow of distant targets, may need a variety of different types and uses of a number of sensors on the aircraft via a data link with precise coordination. If the stand-alone sensors simplify the perception of threat to the outside world are dependent on the chain from the data obtained, then once the data link failure, this action would be difficult to achieve the goal, or even suffer significant losses. Similarly, competition for air superiority combat, also have this problem. As a fighter already has its own independent findings confirm the target and guide the missile attack targets. Data link and remote sensors can only improve combat capability, but can not replace these abilities. F-15C pilots who think you can completely rely on from such as E-3C aircraft and the like Warning and Control System (AWACS) data provided by the data link without the need to use its own radar, so that the idea can not help but naive.

For the data link reliability and redundancy issues, the U.S. military solution proposed is to try to improve intelligence gathering capabilities alone and improve fleet internal LAN data exchange capabilities, battlefield WAN data link provides information only as combat reference, rather than a basis for operations. Conceived by the U.S. Air Force, in order to maximize the reduction of the signal collected by the enemy, the alarm system to detect the possibility of such a transfer does not require the formation of data via satellite, battlefield surveillance aircraft or WAN data link transit, and even radio are can not be used, instead of using infrared or laser coding communication technology, the use of machine warning missile launch plume, and airborne optical integrated detection system looking for friendly aircraft in formation, and then emits infrared or laser beam to pass information. This approach allows for wide-area network data link battlefield flaws occur when masked by the performance or reduce the loss of certain nodes, but each small formations can still share information in a small area, where to find the source, of course, the accuracy may will be worse.

Network warfare radar warning device

In the design of modern fighter aircraft airborne equipment, a big trend is as much a sensor integrated into a larger system in the past. Improve the performance of the radar warning device and integrated into the fire control - information systems, in addition to the threat to shorten the processing time, there is an outstanding benefit: as attack aircraft from the target is always better than satellites, early warning aircraft and other types of remote sensors to close, the target signal characteristics obtained naturally more apparent. The enemy if they are locked, the aircraft will be located within the main beam of the radar, electronic warfare systems available high strength and clear enemy radar main lobe signal, rather than the remote sensor can only get to the other direction enemy radar sidelobe radiation or lobe signal. This greatly improves the measurement accuracy, if the use of data link timely delivery to stay away from the theater of dedicated electronic warfare aircraft, integrated over different locations from the theater fighter information processing, precise positioning of the target level will be of great benefit. In solving the bandwidth problem, the machine can also be obtained by electronic surveillance equipment large amount of information transmitted directly to ground handling equipment, from more powerful computers and intelligent expert system combines battlefield surveillance planes, electronic reconnaissance, synthetic aperture radar, satellite and other remote sensor is a comprehensive analysis of the information obtained solver, in this case, the hidden anti-aircraft missiles would be difficult to escape the hunt. This is equivalent to each fighter turned into a sensor node - according to the U.S. military network-centric warfare theory 'network capabilities and network nodes into a square-Belgian relations, "the digitization of weapons in combat, the more the higher the overall network performance, And this increase exponentially "explosion" like "breed." Mechanized war era to win probability proportional to the number with war weapons. This third-generation fighter era proportional relationship was greatly weakened, may rise as the network technology, the information age and space warfare winning the war proportional relationship between the number of aircraft clear up again. However, this is purely proportional relationship and previous consumption of personnel and materiel to rely on to win the old model without any contact, but rely on information superiority to establish and improve the ability to obtain the battlefield situation and speed of command for the war based on the advantages. The existing radar warning device improvements or integration into a global integrated electronic warfare system is the development trend of the future fighter, since then radar warning device will not only be a fighter defensive armor, the sword will also become the target point on the eyes and the eyes and ears .

Currently, the Eurofighter Typhoon and the French Rafale has begun to modify the electronic warfare systems and operational software in preparation for the latest batch of the production process is integrated directly into the fire alarm system. While exports to the UAE's F-16E / F's electronic warfare system has begun to have this feature. Another fighter development as the world's major powers Russia, although no clear concept, but also carry out the tests. As radar warning device gives a more extensive use of the time has come.

Notes 1. SAM transliteration, which is the U.S. military Soviet-made series of anti-aircraft missiles used to that derived from the invasion of Vietnam and the Vietnam War with Soviet-made SA-2, SA-3 missile combat experience in the struggle.

Note 2. U.S. generally known as electronic surveillance systems Electronic surveillance, abbreviated as ES, such as the electronic reconnaissance, electronic surveillance, etc., under the simplified for remote sensors.

Note 3. "In the loop" is the argument of the automatic control theory, means in the feedback loop monitors, to determine, by a person who, for the entire system can process real-time adjustments to adapt to changes in the environment of the . And as opposed to a "no loop" autonomous control system, which only in accordance with a pre-programmed steps or intelligent database support under the instructions of a computer system operation can be considered fully mechanized, no intervention. Its lack of treatment in the face of extraordinary circumstances lack of flexibility.

Note 4. Under the radar equation, the signal strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. 10G Hz signal at 10 km target distance attenuation of 137 db, and to the 100 km distance, it reached 157 db attenuation increased by 100 times, that is a distance of 100 km target echo intensity is only 10 km the 1/100.

Note 5. Most of the radar signal propagation will be affected by the impact of floating particles in the atmosphere. For example ,21-29G Hz band radar signals transmitted by the severe impact of water vapor in the atmosphere. While the 60-72G Hz signal the presence of an oxygen absorption band.

Note 6. Moderate rain (15 inches / hour) can make the I-band (8-10G Hz) radar signal attenuation per kilometer 0.1dBm. Therefore, for each additional 90 kilometers from the signal intensity ratio in dry air attenuation 7/8.

Note 7. Radar signals are all in a straight line, longer signal wavelength by wave-particle duality influence, terrain masking response is not obvious by the attenuation is small, they can be spread around obstacles, through ionospheric reflection can "see" the target below the horizon. But the vast majority are in compliance with the radar beam emitted straight line, so long as there is the curvature of the earth shelter or experience, you can not find the target.
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