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The secret depths of the ocean

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday 15 August 2013 | 08:31

Scientists at an unprecedented rate ambitious global research program Endeavor: 10 years to explore and discover the world of deep ocean water different biological secrets.

In the last five years before the invention of new technology, scientists can be successfully used to study the animals gather information for the completion of the census of marine life.

Some organisms, including tuna and sea turtles are likely to be aware that the satellite monitoring device installed, and each step as the beginning of a long journey and adventure mode, and at the end of life can be all ten. To participate in this research project has about 20 organizations around the world, is expected to cost $ 1 billion took 10 years, works great, and is similar to the human genome project, or for the adventure of space.

However, some people may want to know some people think that I fully understand why put this amazing project?

Naval base and in accordance with the words of Stanford University, a professor of marine sciences Barbara granted, and we know that this is not enough.

She said: "We do not want to tell people that I know very little about the ocean, but it's true." Some time ago, I worked in the Naval met 60 people, to discuss how to get started in this research project. Foundation in New York, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, $ 5 million to fund the project to start in the future has to calculate the cost of government support and private donations.

Public awareness will be seen to understand a little about the marine life of the blue whale, blue whale, probably the remains of the largest animals on earth, can grow up to 80 meters in length and weighing up to 300,000 pound could care, feeding and migratory habits, but not very I know a lot.

So I put blue whales are classified as endangered species list also includes tone, the largest with 1,650 pounds of tuna in Tokyo could be sold for $ 80,000.

Through the use of tracking technologies, Barbara and her colleagues recently found a difference in the lives of Atlantic bluefin tuna, the fish swim in the Mediterranean Sea breeding in New England, all the way to hunt for food de.Anterior also used the same method to track the North Sea, because it gives scientists more confidence that modern technology sufficient to achieve at Sea World, and the establishment of relevant databases, researchers and hobbyists, students, and provide information.

A bit like studying deep space, amazing shipping harsh marine environment and public awareness to the sea floor and is very limited, and therefore, the cost of the ship will be a million dollar campaign. So the scientists decided to allow the study The aim of "participation" of research, shedding new types of tracking devices can be installed automatically in Pisces will, sharks, turtles and other large household size of fish, tracking and recording their every move, of course, will also record the temperature and salinity of the sea and so after about one year, the device monitors the animals floating on the surface as well as large amounts of data from the satellite to the laboratory.

Scientists expect that the majority of animal tracking device knockout or inaccuracies, but they believe that 30% of the tracking device for the task is not enough.

As technology improved and tracking devices are becoming smaller, lighter and easy to install, but also more and more easy to use, and cost up to several thousand dollars, and the performance is much better than before, we can complete the process. Meanwhile, scientists are also some commercial fish such as salmon, which are mounted tracking device, hoping to catch fishermen in these devices will be sent again.

The first step is to research projects designed to use no more than a year, concentrated in the Pacific Northwest, the research problem, including tuna in the North Sea, the elephant, and blue sharks, albatross, three texts sharks, turtles back skin and yellow fin tuna and blue whales are calculated, Round Turtle, like the rest of California sea lions and whales. Scientists plan at this stage to follow marine organisms 4000-5000 and the most recent data on the above website.
Take care of this research project is the United States government departments such as the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency and NASA, there are more than 50 research institutes and university.In conclusion, people Scientists hope that this study may help us to understand that 70% of the surface of the Earth and the dark secrets of the depths of the ocean.
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