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May 21, 1086

Penulis : Unknown on Monday 20 May 2013 | 09:44

May 21, 1086, Song Ming Chen Wang Anshi's Death

Wang (1021 -1086 on May 21), the word Jiefu, Mid-levels, sealing Jing Guogong. Han. Linchuan people (now Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province of urban Jing the road Deng Jia Xiang), the Northern Song outstanding statesman, thinker, writer, reformer, one of the Tang and Song. Wang Linchuan collection "," the Linchuan set Supplements survive in the world. The official prime minister, advocates of reform and political reform. Most famous poems, "Mongol", "plum".

Outstanding achievements in literature. His poems "learning Du obtaining Shouying the" good at reasoning and rhetoric, good at using allusions, fresh and powerful style Qiu (qiú,), the provision of police absolutely fine, deep graceful Charm works. Of the "Linchuan Mr. anthology. He was born in a small official family. Parent benefit, the word loss, who has Riverside Army Magistrate, any Magistrate life around the north and south. Ashmore less good reading, memory, and better education. Qingli 2002 (1042) Teng the Yang set jinshi fourth name, she served as the local officials of Huainan Magistrate, Yin County magistrate, the state of Shu pass sentence, Changzhou know the state, reminding Jiangdong Prison. Zhiping four years (1067) Ancestor beginning of the throne, the Zhaoan stone Jiangning said, spin and called for the Imperial Academy. Xining years (1069) mentioned as shenzhizhengshi, from Xining three years, twice he was the same book Ha Pingzhang, the implementation of the new law. The Xining after nine Baxiang, seclusion, died in Jiangning (now Nanjing, Jiangsu) Zhong Shan, posthumous title of "text", also known as Wang Wengong. Political Reform has a deep impact on the late Northern Song Dynasty socio-economic features with modern changes, Lenin hailed as the great 11th century reformer. . "Han Yu, Liu, Ouyang Xiu, Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe Zeng Gong," adding that "the Tang and Song".

Zhiping four years (1067) Ancestor to the throne, only use the Wang Anshi Jiangning prefect, immediately Chao, Imperial Academy and Shijiang. To get rid of the Song Dynasty facing political, economic crisis and the Liao, Western Xia intrusion dilemma, the Xining the first year (1068), Ancestor Zhao Wang, "The more times into" a letter to advocate political reform. Following year as shenzhizhengshi the, presided over political reform. Guide the implementation of the political reform, the establishment of three Division Disposal Ordinance Division, identified a number of advocacy Reform officials involved in the formulation of the new law. Xining three years (1070) in the book of the same the subglottic Pingzhang, with the prime minister, the implementation of the new law in the country, began a large-scale reform movement. The line of the new law in the financial input method, the Green Shoots Law, City Act, the immunization Act, Fangtian tax laws, irrigation and water conservancy law; military set method, Bao Jiafa, Paul Marfa. The same time, the reform of the imperial examination system, nurture talent for the implementation of the new law. These measures are to some extent limited the large landowners and wealthy merchant exploitation of farmers, promote the development of irrigation and water conservancy, the country's fiscal position has improved, the military force has also been strengthened. Wang Anshi Lenin called "reformers of the 11th century, Mao Zedong praised Wang Anshi's most valuable point that he proposed the idea of ​​'hide, less than a shirt'. (Hide insufficient shirt "not by Wang Anshi Reform sent Shiti out, but the word of the opposition on political reform faction slander, similar to the original three destiny should fear, all the words, less than from ancestors of the law , Wang and heard these words in line with their political reform subject, then big plus to promote deep sleep.)

Reform the court monopoly commodity trade, not only bureaucrats and landowners, as well as the interests of small businessmen have all been violated, the original social order the destruction was fierce opposition from conservatives, especially Cao Queen Mother, the Queen Mother's stubborn obstructions. Plus the virtuous to minister in the implementation process over-pursuing big and fast, many officials took the opportunity to prey on the farmers' interests are harmed, and a letter Zhijian Reform hazards have all been of Wang Anshi deposed or Demotion or exiled, publicans more unconscionable , audacious, such a situation is intensified, a far cry from actual results and subjective assumptions. Wang Anshi in all the suspected group slander, The Ancestor royalty Guiqi forced against the pressure of the Secretary of the new law, Xining seven years (1074) strike in April to Wang Anshi phase, Ren Jiangning prefect. The sow discord following year is underway with phase, but because of the new law were internal divisions and conservatives, Wang and actually can not contribute much to Xining on October again Baxiang the as Jiangnan signed sentenced the following year retreat Jiangning live homebound life.

In Northern New Theory for six years (1073), under the command of Wang Anshi, his Management Song path slightly Fushi Shao led his army to attack Tibetan recovered river (Gansu Linxia), Min the (now MINXIAN) five states combat. Song recovered 5 states, antipodes more than 2,000 years, 30 million accounts by Fu Qiang, and establish a to attack Western Xia favorable front. Wang Anshi's political reform has become a major reform in China.

First year of Zhezong Yuanyou Bing Yin (1086) 66, died on April sixth day gift Tutor.
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