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2013 National Science and Technology Work Conference held in Beijing

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday 1 May 2013 | 04:20

2013 National Science and Technology Work Conference held in Beijing

2013 National Science and Technology Work Conference held in Beijing
 The implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy a solid job in science and technology work in 2013

January 19, 2013 National Science and Technology Work Conference held in Beijing. Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Ministry of Science and Technology Minister Wan Gang, a work report. Party secretary of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Vice Minister Wang Chih-kang, presided over the meeting.

Wan Gang Review 2012 scientific and technological work in his work report, summed up the achievements and experience of reform and development of science and technology in the past five years, to study the deployment of the 2013 work. Wan Gang stressed that the 2013 in-depth implementation of the party's 18 spirit of the first year of the implementation of the "12th Five-Year Plan" the past and a crucial year. Do a good job in this year's scientific and technological work, in-depth study and implement the spirit of the party's 18, the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" important thought, scientific concept of development, innovation-driven development strategy to speed up the implementation of the full implementation of the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference task, focus on deepening the reform of the science and technology system, and strive to improve the scientific and technological innovation, give full play to the support of science and technology leading role to tackle tough, solid work, to achieve scientific and technological reform and development of new breakthroughs, to improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth, protect and improve people's livelihood a new contribution.

Wan Gang pointed out that 2012 was a landmark year in the development of science and technology. Eighteen major victory party meeting, convened by the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the reform of the science and technology system to speed up the construction of a national innovation system Opinions published. The country has 21 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) held a Technology Innovation Conference, issued a number of targeted operational reform policies and measures. Society as a whole R & D expenditure is expected to exceed one trillion yuan, accounting for up to 2.0% of GDP, corporate R & D spending accounted for more than 74%; total R & D personnel is expected to reach 320 million years; invention patents is expected to reach 217,000 over the previous an increase of 26.2% year-on-year; National Technical contract turnover is expected to exceed 600 billion yuan; national high-tech industry output value is expected to exceed 10 trillion yuan. In the past five years, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, China's science and technology rapid development, innovation capacity has increased significantly in the steady growth, structural adjustment, improve people play an important supporting leading role in the contribution of scientific and technological progress The rate rose from 48.8% in 2008 to 51.7% in 2011, building an innovative country achieved remarkable results: a series of major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and State Council on the reform and development of science and technology, continuous improvement of the strategic position of the scientific and technological work; efforts to solve the economic and social development major scientific and technological issues, science and technology support leading role effectively; strengthen basic research, science and technology, sustainable development capacity has increased significantly; innovative resource allocation, market-oriented science and technology resource allocation pattern shape; science and technology system continued to deepen, made in the construction of a national innovation system new progress. Looking back at the five years of work, we deeply appreciate: must adhere to the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics; must stick around industry chain deployment innovative chain, to promote scientific and technological economy closely integrated; must adhere to the promotion of improving people's livelihood as the essential requirement of scientific and technological work; must adhere to enhance the long-term development as a strategic priority; must adhere to deepen scientific and technological reform and opening up as a powerful driving force.
Wan Gang stressed that the present, China's scientific and technological work is standing at a new starting point: first, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council put forward new and higher requirements of scientific and technological work. To vigorously promote the development of innovation-driven strategy, global perspective planning and the promotion of innovation must firmly grasp the strategic task of the new era of reform and development; Second, the new technological revolution and the industrial revolution has brought new opportunities for the development of technological change and challenges. From the international environment, China is still in an important period of strategic opportunities that can accomplish a great deal, but its meaning and the conditions changed a lot, being nurtured the rise of the new technological revolution and the industrial revolution, technology and innovation as the core of the international competition even fiercer, scientific research system accelerate change and innovation mode. Third, the sustained and healthy development of economic and social scientific and technological innovation put forward new demands, China's development unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable issues are still outstanding, transfer mode, adjust the structure, the benefits of life of the people is very urgent. Facing the new situation and requirements, the development of China's science and technology reform persists how to enhance scientific and technological innovation, in particular the ability of original innovation, how to strengthen the position of the main innovation, how to strengthen the implementation of innovation policy, and how to further improve the technological innovation management problems and difficulties. At the same time, as China's economic and technological strength increased substantially, in some areas is close to or reach the world advanced level in some areas by with runners "Departed", "leader" into fully capable of a new starting point to achieve a greater leap forward. It is necessary to strengthen confidence, more courage and wisdom, and take a firm hold and a good period of strategic opportunities for scientific and technological development, and actively respond to the risks and challenges on the road ahead, in-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, the full release of the science and technology system bonus, and constantly open and Technology the development of a new situation.

Wan Gang's 2013 main propulsion following ten key task: to fully implement the spirit of the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference and the Central Document No. 6, earnestly implement the various tasks of deepening the reform of the science and technology system;-depth implementation of national technology innovation project to strengthen the dominant position of enterprises' technological innovation ;-depth implementation of major national science and technology projects, speed up the development of the strategic emerging industries; farsighted arrangements for strengthening the strategic high technology, to seize the commanding heights of future competition; strengthen the high-tech integrated demonstration and industrialization, to support the adjustment of industrial structure; strengthen basic research, technological upgrading of continuing innovation; strengthen agricultural science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship, and promote the integration of urban and rural development; strengthen scientific and technological Huimin, promote the cultural, social and ecological civilization construction; strengthen grass-roots scientific and technological work, promote the development of regional innovation; deepen scientific and technological openness and cooperation, enhance scientific and technological development of the internationalization of level. Wan Gang technology management departments at all levels should study and implement the spirit of the party's 18 as the primary task of the current and future periods, practical thinking and action into line with the requirements of the central authorities up, in-depth study and understand the spirit of the party's 18 improve their work style, build capacity and strengthen the construction of anti-corruption.
In his concluding speech, party secretary of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Vice Minister Wang Chi h-kang stressed, should fully understand the significance of the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy to effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and sense of urgency for the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, an accurate grasp of the core requirements for the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy. Wang Chi h-kang requirements for full implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, we should focus grasp the following points: First, science and technology placed in the strategic position of priority development, continuous improvement of China's scientific and technological strength and innovative capacity; adhere to scientific and technological innovation as an economic development intrinsic motivation and improve China's economic strength and social productivity; adhere to innovation-driven development strategy implemented in the whole process of modernization and improve China's comprehensive national strength and core competitiveness. He demanded that all localities and departments must conscientiously study and carry it out: In-depth study and implement the spirit of the party's 18; better co-ordination to promote, improve the innovation policy, focusing on mechanism innovation, strengthen the pilot demonstration, do a solid job of science and technology system, work; closely linked to the main line, focused, solid foundation, to ensure effectiveness, support of scientific and technological innovation efforts to play a leading role; effectively change the style of work, the government functions change, combating corruption and upholding, to further improve the level of science and technology and scientific management.

Work meeting, the Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department Director Liu Chuan-iron, the Ministry of Transport and Technology Secretary Zhao red for a long time, the Ministry of Equipment Industry Division inspector Wang Fuchang, Shandong Province Science and Technology Department Zhai Luning, the State Forestry Science and Technology Secretary Peng winter, Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Department Director Li Wenqing, Zhang Geng, Hangzhou Hi-tech Zone Party Work Committee and the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation appointed Lord Renlu Jian eight delegates were the exchange of speeches, the General Assembly has arranged a group discussion, delegates million Minister speech, party on the 1st file content a lively discussion.

Words in the mouth of the central and state organs concerned departments of the Ministry of Education, the National Natural Science Foundation of China Association for Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Engineering, National Defense Science and Industry Bureau Division departments, the main person in charge of the Ministry of Science and Technology leaders and departments, the National the main person in charge of the local science and technology departments and bureaus, part of the national high-tech Zone is responsible for more than 200 delegates attended the meeting.
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