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Samsung Galaxy S7 Buy Online in Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Qatar – Free Shipment, COD

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday 4 February 2016 | 04:57

Thursday 4 February 2016

February 21, 2016 at 19pm at the Barcelona show two flagship company Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 EDGE. Earlier we seen the both phone predecessors release at the same event which scared many consumers because there is no memory car slot as expeted as well as removable battery. At firt there is more demand of the S6 Edge other than its based model in UAE; but after launch there is more sale of Galaxy S6 instead of Edge as we see. So, what the new Galaxy S7 is got for us? The new one is not so much differ from its predecessor infact built and design looks slightly similar.

So the prices of the new gen phone supposed to be more expensive to earlier model; find out Galaxy S7 Price in Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Qatar of all stores have in stock Galaxy S7 available in UAE online markets. Many stores offering free shipment as well as cash on delivery (COD).  The fresh product of Korean has packed Exynos latest chipset and has innovative camera ready to win the MegaPixels race- will be a new proprietary technology Britecell packs. In 2016 new Samsung S7 model also return of the MicroSD slot which they are missing for years.

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Washington and London pinned their aid to the Syrian opposition military

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday 12 December 2013 | 04:28

Thursday 12 December 2013

Suspended the United States and Britain of non-lethal aid, which were Tkdmanha to opposition factions in northern Syria, against the backdrop of declining control of the Free Syrian Army.

One militants Free Syrian Army in Aleppo

A spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Ankara said Washington made ​​the decision after Islamist fighters managed to control the number of rules in the Bab al-Hawa northern Syria were subject to the FSA.

Washington had offered a support equipment and non-lethal tools of the Free Syrian Army , which is the largest faction of the Syrian opposition is Islamic factions .

" Achievement "

The Josh Earnest , White House spokesman in Washington , said the United States had " suspended the delivery of non-lethal aid shipments to the north of Syria ," as a result of what happened in the door Hawa .
But he stressed that humanitarian aid will not be affected by this decision .
For his part , said Hugh Robertson, British Minister of State for Foreign Affairs , told the BBC he was " far as we know at the moment ," did not reach any of the equipment supplied to Britain Syrian opposition into the hands of Islamist militants , but added " wise suspension of aid so that we know what happened in detail.
But the FSA said for his part that the decision to suspend aid wrong decision , and added, through a spokesman for the Syrian National Coalition Louay Mokdad "We hope that our friends re- consider their decision and wait for a few days Anty clear things up. "


The United States and European countries were reluctant to arming rebel groups in Syria directly for fear that these weapons fall into the hands of jihadists linked to " organize " the base.

But a U.S. spokesman said that humanitarian aid will not be affected because the international organizations and non-governmental organization , which holds the distribution.

The fighters of the Islamic Front had managed last week to control the crossing fancy door on the Syrian border with Turkey .

The MILF was formed recently by the merger of seven smaller factions of Islamist fighters to become the front largest opposition faction controls approximately 45 thousand combatants .

MILF fighters and not including front and the victory of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant

And announced that it will work on the front of combat and social levels in order to offset the Syrian regime and establish an Islamic state in Syria .

The front last week confirmed its withdrawal from the Supreme Military Council which was formed with the blessing of the National Coalition opposition .

Said Louay Mokdad The MILF fighters had entered the base of the Free Syrian Army in fancy door and asked the soldiers to leave the site and raised knowing it.

Miqdad said , " but we nevertheless know that they are our brothers and they also know that we are not their enemies ."

He explained that the base of the door Miqdad was fancy contain a stockpile of weapons and equipment that has been entered into Syria through Turkish territory .

The United States has pledged to provide the $ 250 million non-lethal aid to some factions of the opposition Syrian National Coalition and the Free Syrian Army .

The most non-lethal aid in medical and food supplies and means of communication and cars.
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A large explosion shakes Afghan capital Kabul airport Initial reports indicate that the attack was carried out by gunmen

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday 11 December 2013 | 01:10

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Kabul - Reuters
An explosion rocked a large area near the Kabul International Airport , Wednesday, and police said initial reports indicate that the airport may have been attacked by gunmen .
Deputy Kabul police chief Syed Ghaffar Sidzadh the incident by saying, " according to the information that we have that the explosion occurred near the airport ."

The military spokeswoman said a suicide bomber attacked a military convoy of foreign forces near Kabul international airport in the Afghan capital, but there were no reports of The immediate loss of life .

The assertion by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF ) led by NATO in Afghanistan after the witness said

Reuters big explosion shook the airport.

The spokeswoman Assistance Force Lieutenant Colonel Atundra Kinley "We confirm reports of a suicide bomber tried to attack ISAF convoy today. "

"The attacker was killed and there were no reports of casualties among members of ISAF ."

There are at the airport and one of the most important rules of Forces Command , led by NATO , a joint command for the International Assistance Force (ISAF ), responsible for the daily management of the US-led war in Afghanistan .

Kabul Airport, explosion
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Abu Qatada is a trial "betrayal" of the agreement with Britain Rejected the charges against him, which relate to conspiring to carry out terrorist attacks in Jordan

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday 10 December 2013 | 04:50

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Amman - Al-Arabiya , Reuters

Began on Monday in the trial of Jordan , a senior leader in the Jordanian Jihadist Salafist movement , Omar Mahmoud Othman , also known as " Abu Qatada the Palestinian ," and that after he was handed over by the British authorities to Amman .

The trial of Abu Qatada, who is described as " the right arm of Osama bin Laden in Europe " , in front of a civilian in the State Security Court by delivery conditions set by Britain . The body is headed by a civilian court judge and a member of the civilian and military member .

Abu Qatada and refused to recognize the body of the Court before which the presence of a military judge in the membership , adding that "the presence of a military judge in this court to set aside the betrayal and covenants agreed " with the British government .

After the indictment to him , and that of conspiracy to carry out " terrorist attacks " in Jordan in 1999 and 2000 , Abu Qatada 's response to the court , saying : "There is a betrayal of the agreement , which came from him ," he rejected the charges against him .

The Jordanian judiciary spent jailing Abu Qatada in absentia to life imprisonment , but these provisions were canceled as soon as he returned to Jordan .

After returning to Jordan did not allow the Jordanian authorities only to family members of Abu Qatada, a first-class visit for the duration of his detention , and recently allowed the lawyers when it meets ahead of the trial. It is expected to announce Abu Qatada's lawyers during the trial set as new with him after the departure of his lawyer .

Jordan , Britain , Abu Qatada
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Application system "Android" secretly collects data users and sells

Penulis : Unknown on Sunday 8 December 2013 | 16:00

Sunday 8 December 2013

Android operating system and supports all existing applications to run in "Google Play"

Revealed to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on the application of a free system "Android " that violates the privacy of its users to collect their personal data secretly and Mcharkha with third parties without their consent .

The Federal Trade Commission has received the U.S. complaint that the application Brightest Flashlight, developed by Golden Shores, violates the privacy of its users , to investigate the complaint and discovered her health .

The Commission explained that Golden Shores violated the privacy of users of the application Brightest Flashlight hers , through the collection of data identity and location of millions of users taking advantage of the powers granted to the approval of the application when it is installed.

She said the U.S. Federal Trade Commission , in an official statement , the data gathered from the application were sold to companies and advertising networks without the consent or knowledge of the users.

The application uses the Brightest Flashlight, which allows the user to control the light sources in the organs operating system "Android " and convert flash to light the lamp for lighting , exceeding 50 million users, where the application is available for free on the shop " Google Play ."

For her part, Jessica Rich, director of the Office of Consumer Protection in the U.S. , if the application leaving users in the " dark " about how to use the information that is collected about them , adding that the application developers - especially free - they provide real options for users through which they can approve or refusal to share their data.

This , and confirmed to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission that it has reached a settlement with Golden Shores stating the need to give users more control over what happens to their data being collected across applications being developed .

It is noteworthy that the settlement deal between the U.S. and Golden Shores included also delete all the data collected by the application Brightest Flashlight previously , in addition to reworking the privacy policy of those applications to illustrate the way the company deals with users of data applications.
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Amazement of the scientific discovery of a planet larger than Earth 14,300 times

Imagine the problems and horrors of the planet where 14 thousand and 300 terrorist network , similar to the "Al Qaeda " the ground , in the 2800 state population of 100 billion similar Balerdaan , larger than 14300 Globe , such as those where the now 196 state and seven billion and 200 million people, and then the strangest thing : the rate of temperature 1500 ° C , which is supposed to be a mass of ice , to beyond 97 billion miles from the sun needs to be 4950 years to orbit around it , so I hit the Prince of HD 106906 b and announced the discovery on Friday awesomely clear .

Planet as imagined and drawn Include a photocopy at the press conference

It is the farthest planet from the star spins around it has been discovered so far . Larger than Jupiter, the largest turn Globe 1300 , more than 11 times. It is far from the star 650 times after the earth for its sun , of 150 million km, and the orbit is 30 times longer than the 165 years it takes Neptune to orbit around the sun run about four billion and 459 million kilometers. The age of barely 13 million years only , which is still an infant as compared to the land that has become an old age 4 billion and 500 million a year.

This information , and many others , I mentioned to explain the scientific complex student Mandated University of Arizona, U.S. to talk on Friday at a press conference on the planet , which has strengthened its words about pictures , published by the " Arab . Net" and one of them , citing the location of the " NASA " space- American , which is the planet's also appeared through Tlescoppin , in addition to compare the distance from the star, with its sun from the earth , and its orbit with the orbit of Neptune , which is the longest on the sun after scientific consensus that Pluto is not a planet , but just a dwarf asteroid in the solar system .

9.46 far to his right and 13 kilometers from zero

At the press conference , which covered the U.S. media had seen " Arabic . Net" to each other, said of Antdboha , a student studies astronomically high fifth year and named Vanessa Bailey , The HD 106906 b is not like any other planet " is different in every way from the planets of the solar , and is not supposed to exist at all, because it does not fall within any theory we know about the evolution of the planets , so it is surprising we do not know in any box we put it , " according to the expression on the planet who monitored telescope " Magellan " in the desert " Otatakama " Balceli .

NASA image of the planet telescope lenses from Chile

She explained reported that the planet was " a project did not work for the emergence of a new sun , leaving a mass of gas giant " because the planets usually arise from farm dust and residues in the space near the star rotates around him closely , " As the planet Shortly after very star " and probably would have been a solar array Double Benjmin , which did not materialize .The reason for not arriving to the stage did not turn her to the Sun " is that its growth has not been completed for an unknown reason " for the continued temperature high , despite its distance from its star , which is this heat that makes it seem a brilliant observatories , although it is far from the Earth 300 light-years away ,

9.46 and to his right is zero of 13 kilometers 

The smaller planets Fmrh million years only , and monitoring of the telescope in 2004 , " Spitzer " an activist in the Space Infrared . It is orbiting a star known as Coku Tau 4 distant 420 light-years from Earth , according to the declared one of the astronomers from the " NASA " space- American , Dan Watson , in a press conference held that year, and he described the planet as a " child be quickly dust " he said.
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