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Home » » Abu Qatada is a trial "betrayal" of the agreement with Britain Rejected the charges against him, which relate to conspiring to carry out terrorist attacks in Jordan

Abu Qatada is a trial "betrayal" of the agreement with Britain Rejected the charges against him, which relate to conspiring to carry out terrorist attacks in Jordan

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday 10 December 2013 | 04:50

Amman - Al-Arabiya , Reuters

Began on Monday in the trial of Jordan , a senior leader in the Jordanian Jihadist Salafist movement , Omar Mahmoud Othman , also known as " Abu Qatada the Palestinian ," and that after he was handed over by the British authorities to Amman .

The trial of Abu Qatada, who is described as " the right arm of Osama bin Laden in Europe " , in front of a civilian in the State Security Court by delivery conditions set by Britain . The body is headed by a civilian court judge and a member of the civilian and military member .

Abu Qatada and refused to recognize the body of the Court before which the presence of a military judge in the membership , adding that "the presence of a military judge in this court to set aside the betrayal and covenants agreed " with the British government .

After the indictment to him , and that of conspiracy to carry out " terrorist attacks " in Jordan in 1999 and 2000 , Abu Qatada 's response to the court , saying : "There is a betrayal of the agreement , which came from him ," he rejected the charges against him .

The Jordanian judiciary spent jailing Abu Qatada in absentia to life imprisonment , but these provisions were canceled as soon as he returned to Jordan .

After returning to Jordan did not allow the Jordanian authorities only to family members of Abu Qatada, a first-class visit for the duration of his detention , and recently allowed the lawyers when it meets ahead of the trial. It is expected to announce Abu Qatada's lawyers during the trial set as new with him after the departure of his lawyer .

Jordan , Britain , Abu Qatada
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