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Home » » Egyptian expert discovers gaps applications "Facebook" on "Android" Leak user information to "Facebook" to all applications installed on the device

Egyptian expert discovers gaps applications "Facebook" on "Android" Leak user information to "Facebook" to all applications installed on the device

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday 7 December 2013 | 10:48

Egyptian security expert discovered serious loopholes in the applications of social networking " Facebook " system "Android " , whether the application of " Facebook " or basic application , " Facebook Messenger " or the application of Facebook Pages Manager.

The security expert Mohamed Ramadan said in an interview with the " gate to the Arab News technique " that Iigrtin Tzmhan were leaking user information calculates the " Facebook " of those applications to the rest of the applications installed on the same machine worker system "Android " .

He explained that Ramadan was the first gap reveal user information when it download any facility using the application " Facebook " or basic application , " Facebook Messenger " , while the second was a gap disclose user information immediately after the application of the use of Facebook Pages Manager. The expert pointed out the Egyptian security that Iigrtin were Tsrban information to the log file is actively used on the system "Android " , otherwise known as Logcat, allowing for other applications , you get a copy of the file and store it on their servers , access to user information and control over the account in " Facebook " .

The security team has " Facebook " blocked Iigrtin immediately reporting them , also agreed to reward the Egyptian expert $ 6 thousand dollars to meet disclosure Iigrtin .

He advised users of Ramadan Applications " Facebook " on the system "Android " applications need to update to the latest version available on the store , " Google Play " , and change the password for their accounts personal . The " Facebook " has updated its application and the application of basic Facebook Pages Manager Monday , while Tuesday launched a new update to the application , " Facebook Messenger " , shown on the pages of its three applications to fill some of the gaps .
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