Singapore National Day of tens of thousands of people with drinking water freshmen |
Reporters recently during an interview in Singapore, Singaporeans often heard to say, "We do not have resources." As an area of just over 600 square kilometers of the island, especially the lack of water resources in Singapore. Singapore, a large number of purchase water from neighboring Malaysia.
To avoid water crisis, Singapore decided to develop desalination and waste water reuse, "new water" project has been rapid development. New Water exhibit a staff member said: "With such technology, the 2061 second supply agreement expires.
New technologies all the dirt discharge
"New water" look, but bottled water is the most common. Colorful plastic bottles, crystal clear water, open the drink, the water there is a slight hint of sweetness. However, this water is extracted from a variety of purified sewage out.
Ne Water production utilizes micro filtration and reverse osmosis two advanced technologies. The entire production process is divided into three steps, first with micro filter particulate matter in the sewage and bacteria and other larger impurities filtered out, and then extruded through the sewage with high pressure reverse osmosis membrane, the dissolved salts, drug , chemicals and viruses and other minor impurities filtered out, and finally through ultraviolet disinfection, it has been recycled Ne Water.
Among them, the reverse osmosis membrane technology is the production process of the main Ne Water technology. Reverse osmosis membrane pores are very small, can block the bacteria, viruses and chemicals. Assuming the reverse osmosis membrane, water molecules and contaminants are amplified one hundred million times, then reverse osmosis membrane pore size of the volume, tennis, bacterial equivalent of a two-story volume, equivalent to a large volume of virus truck, contaminated with chemicals and bulk drugs football size, they can not pass micro-porous.
The volume of the water molecules as tennis, through micro pores.
After experts, Singapore Ne Water produced water quality indicators are better than the current use of tap water, cleanliness at least better than the World Health Organization international standards for drinking water up to 50 times.
2011 to meet the total demand of 15%
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