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Scientists invented the chip size refrigerator mini powerful stature

Penulis : Unknown on Monday 26 August 2013 | 07:46

U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology scientists have developed a chip the size of a refrigerator volume only, it is small stature, but large objects can minimize the temperature 0.1 degrees Kelvin, semiconductor failure analysis can be used refrigerated or astronomy research and other ultra-low-temperature sensors sensitive equipment.

The latest mini fridge length 25 mm, width 15 mm, is made of ordinary metals, insulators and superconducting metal composition of a "sandwich", plus the voltage, the normal metal on the hottest electrons flowing through a superconducting metal insulator resulting in rapid temperature drop common metal, the object to be cooled electronic absorption and energy.

The researchers used four such "sandwich" frozen a side length of 450 mm and a thickness of 0.4 mm silicon nitrate membrane, the membrane is glued with a side length of 250 mm germanium cube, its volume is small refrigerator 11000 times, quite Let an ordinary refrigerator at the Statue of Liberty.

Studies report that two objects refrigerated temperature dropped to 0.2 degrees Kelvin, if further improvements in technology, it can lower the temperature.

The manufacturing method of the refrigerator like ordinary chip, can be easily connected with other small devices directly. And for the temperature dropped to 0.1 degrees Kelvin compared to conventional devices, this new device is smaller and lower cost. Some temperature sensors only at lower temperatures to achieve the best performance, the nano-sized particles to detect X-rays emitted subtle changes.
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