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Alexei Atlashov : " Staying at the HSE "

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday 31 August 2013 | 08:21

During the off-season is one of our special correspondent found the site and asked a few questions to an organizer of football team " Qatran " Alexei Atlashovu .

How do you rate the team's performance in the first round ?

- Of course , the evaluation rather unsatisfactory . Although, I must admit that it could be worse . In any case, the constant struggle for survival bored ...

How has the team after the summer off-season ?

- Traditionally, the composition will change decently. Final application is not filed, but 5-6 new people will be exactly .

Hem, known departed , and now there was one place to crash . But who will replace the hem ?
- No one takes ! In HFL made ​​the right decision (in my opinion). Everyone who should be on schedule fights with those hem will win .

What are the plans Katrana the second part of the season ?
- Plans ... Staying at the HSE , to collect and strum a good , stable and cohesive team .

How do you address the other teams in the tower ?

After all, compared to last year a lot of things have changed ! - Yes , this year's championship is not less interesting ! A little spoiled impression weather, because of which the circle has turned ragged . I note Inter Kiev , which became one of the few clubs who could easily enter into the tower after the League One HFL .

AAI and Bereznyaki not disappointed ?

- AAI generally disappointing recent years. Recruitment of players and the quality of the game ( we played with them a friendly game two weeks ago) Alexander Bannikova team simply has to fight not only for the prize , but in general for the championship ... I do not know what's going on in the team , but to see the IAM so low - just sad .

Dynamo Gratifying is already a champion ?
- Probably yes than not. Put it this way : Prevent Dynamo can only be a champion Dynamo ! some background . In 2007 Qatran stopped one step short of the championship , in 2009, was a bronze.

Do you miss those days ? And who from the star of the team stayed in ?

- Whoo ... Well , of course I 'd be lying if I said that did not miss those days ... Then we had a strong, cohesive team. I am very grateful to you guys for those wonderful times , emotions and win ! From the composition of the application were Brizhevaty , Timoshik , Ryabov , Protsenko , Beetle and Avyutsky Whether strongly changed tower over the 2007-2009 year - Changes huge .

More strong teams , results , such as 10:0is not the case, the refereeing was of a higher level , as well as the organization of teams and the league itself . Participants have the form , and even a few sets .
The quality of the fields on which the games are also grown . Subject referee .

Is there any advantage of what is now responsible for the appointment of arbitrators the third person ? Strongly if the situation changed after the tower started to judge the judges with FFC ?

- The main plus for me, as the organizer of the team - no need to constantly wrestle with finding judges. Of course, this is a great piece of work for which you need to say thank you to the organizers HFL .

But the quality of judges from FFK , well, or their relationship to the HFL leaves much to be desired .

And finally , the question of the future : How do you see HFL and Qatran in 5 or 10 years ?

- Very easy! Champion HFL goes directly to the group stage of the Champions League . Well, it would , of course, Qatran ! hehe ...
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