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Adjust and optimize the industrial structure, improve market competitiveness

Penulis : Unknown on Monday 5 August 2013 | 05:12

The strategic adjustment of economic structure, the core is the industrial structure adjustment and optimization. 
Adapt to economic globalization and China's imminent accession to the WTO in the new situation, market-oriented, technology advancement, the information as the breakthrough point, to enhance the competitiveness of the strategic adjustment of economic structure as the main direction, driven by incremental adjustments to the stock optimization, inventory optimization with promoting structural upgrades.

(A) to increase the income of the farmers as the core, the rural economy flourish
Adaptation of agriculture and rural economic development requirements of the new stage, positive role of the government support, protection, guidance, coordination, specification and service role in strengthening agriculture and rural infrastructure construction, using high technology to transform traditional agriculture, and vigorously promote the industrialization of agriculture achieve agricultural growth and rural incomes, rural well-off, full prosperity of the rural economy and improve the level of agricultural modernization. "Fifth" period, planned agricultural output growth of 3% annually.

- Further strengthen agriculture as the foundation. Agriculture is the economic development and social stability, we must always put agriculture on the development of the national economy in the first place, continue to strengthen and optimize agriculture. Fully implement the Party's basic policies in rural areas, strengthen the agricultural support and protection, and efforts to increase farmers' income, burdens. Increased investment in agriculture and rural areas, focusing improve farmland water conservancy construction and rural roads, electricity, flood control and drought and other infrastructure construction, improve agricultural production conditions and rural living environment. Do a good job building a well-off village, strengthening village appearance remediation and rural public security management, improve the level of material and spiritual civilization in rural areas, building a new socialist countryside. Emphasis on the transfer of rural surplus labor force, by gradually reducing the number of agricultural population, intensive management of agriculture and increasing farmers' income and create conditions.

- To accelerate the pace of scientific and technological agriculture. Agriculture through science and technology inherent power to establish mechanisms to support innovation and promotion of agricultural science and technology, improve agricultural technology service system, the use of biotechnology and information technology to transform traditional agriculture. Introduction and cultivation of high-tech products to increase efforts, vigorously implement the seed industry works and good law works. Foster the development of professional investors, such as science and technology demonstration area carriers to accelerate the application of advanced agricultural technology popularization and application. Around the value-added processing of agricultural products, focusing on the development of high-yield and efficient technology, agricultural products deep processing, utilization and agricultural storage, preservation, packaging technology and ecological environment construction technology, strive to improve the overall efficiency of agriculture. Use of various forms strengthen rural vocational and technical education and training, and constantly improve the scientific and cultural level of farmers. "Fifth" period, the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress reached 60%.

- Adjust and optimize the agricultural structure. Grain and cotton in stabilizing and improving overall production capacity of the premise, strive to improve the quality of agricultural products, the bulk of quality of agricultural products, special agricultural scale. Adjust grain and cotton acreage, optimize product structure, vigorously develop high-quality rice, specialty food, small grains, and green products, guide the development of high-quality cotton, pollution-free vegetables, specialty fruits, herbs, edible fungi and other marketable crops, improving economic the proportion of crops in farming; reform of farming, to promote three-dimensional cultivation, and actively promote the reform of dry and paddy rice farming season to change the second quarter, increasing planting forage and crops. Structural adjustment forestry, focusing on the development of tea, fruit trees, bamboo shoots dominated forests, improving forest structure efficiency. Optimizing aquaculture structure, actively develop local famous special animal species, efforts to develop crossbred pigs, cows and beef cattle hybrids, rare and special aquatic products, to further improve the quality of livestock and the proportion of special aquatic products, so that aquaculture become a pillar industry of agriculture. Local conditions to develop specialty agriculture, actively develop ecological agriculture.

- Actively promote the industrialization of agriculture. Further improve the "Company farmers" based business model, planning and construction of a number of home-based business, with large-scale agricultural base, fostering the growth of leading industries, the focus is to accelerate the construction of our region, "the eight agricultural base"; pinpoint Agriculture point of integration with industry to improve the relevance of industry and agriculture, encourage and support the development of deep processing of agricultural and food industry, the focus is to tap the existing potential and development of leading industrial combines and highlights grow actively cultivate leading enterprises; establish and improve the rural social service system, with particular emphasis on agriculture and postnatal services system, focusing on the development of various types of professional market, professional distribution services, economic entities and professional associations, cooperatives and other professional civil service organizations. At the same time, actively and steadily promote agricultural intensification, allowing enterprises equity base, establish and improve the "Company" and "farmers" in the interest mechanism, breakthroughs and enhance the existing "company farmers" business model.

(Two) highlight the main industry and accelerate the process of industrialization

Unswervingly adhere to industry leading position, accelerate the process of industrialization, speed up the formation of industry-led economic growth pattern, is my area "fifth" period of a daunting task, but also to achieve leapfrog development of the region's economic hope. Must highlight the main industry, and effectively adjust and optimize the industrial structure, improve industrial economic efficiency and enhance industrial strength to achieve new breakthroughs. "Fifth" period, planned industrial output growth of 10% annually, industrial and technological progress contribution rate of 50
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