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"Pacific Rim" Review: Monsters vs noise. Or large entertainment robot

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday 10 July 2013 | 06:02

This is an important point, and I know how to make their own fun, is a "Pacific Rim," Guillermo del Toro's new large budget event Monsters vs robots, is an energy-saving favor.
All creaks in the comic relief of the received bit, 3 D only good as comes beaten gasp - This robot will be, or, more precisely, human machine humanity to save the building 25 floors work - a hard hit . Suddenly the large-scale, digital control equipment, a failure.

But then - eureka! - This is according to a rusty old robot was noted. Therefore, in the film, the best state, the most advanced intelligence, analog machines, at least temporarily saves the day for pride, has spent about $ 2 million. Ha! Holy retro technology.

Del Toro directed by famous film, there are many clever moments "Kaiju Japanese monster movie Godzilla back, it's too bad." This obviously gifted director, but style can be described as follows, at the end of a short play and noise, noise, noise will be found. We groan smashing, fiddle mentioned?

Happily, plot (script by Travis Beacham and Del Toro) convoluted, and that is a cool idea, at least, is "change." No, it does not include land formations.

This plot shows that the two pilots melding of thought is - this giant robot, humans have created a monster rising from the sea says. Pre-flight "nervous handshake," a good pilot to guide his robot brain shared.

"You know what I think?" Hit: Such an interesting interaction leads. It was a joke, "I'm your mind", but later saying, If a hero ready to fight back, unknowingly think: "I can not in my head! "

Full operation succeeded, failed attempt (about 2020), referring to the plot to open the program begins. About 7 years. Global Defense officials left him decided to go for a great coastal wall. Do not see it "World War Z?" Brad Pitt zombie walls are not asked, either, Kaiju will not. The skuas.

Former Pilot tired (a beautiful but poor Charlie Hunnam) enter. Raleigh lost his co-pilot and his brother fought in a plot, and a mode that, uh, back in my mind to share. But humanity is at stake.

A serious beef referring to his new co-pilot for Open Mako (Rinko Kikuchi), a young Japanese woman. Like (because they can, but it is not funny) effectively manic day of Pentecost Pile, Commander of Charlie nerdy scientist Sie parts Idris Alba play support, as a shadowy parts dealers elevator open and Ron Perlman.

It's a real war takes an hour to go. You are very lucky, when it does, but in most cases, entirely mind melding concepts you more I want to do mining in particular, the view of the display is easy in the minds of people, in addition to In the fine del Toro's talent. Youth arrested from various movies flashback Mako think -. "Pan's labyrinth", in 2006 as strong dloeperloeirector del Toro us something very bad, the great, does not share his filmmaking minds.

"Pacific Rim," Warner Bros. Release, "Sci-fi action and violence in acute setting, the brief language." By the Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 Running time: 131 minutes. Two and a half stars out of four.

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