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Companies that are not comfortable with new technology, making money on the table

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday 27 July 2013 | 13:37

If you're lucky, the company has a strong customer base, source of income, and business is good. If you use technology more effectively develop and market more effectively, even if you do not have to depend as much on luck.

Recent Articles The Statesman Austin reveals some small businesses, and how they use technology.

One of the plantation owners, who have written to customer invoices manually using an Internet service. Switch to spare time writing bills by hand, and the vehicle is allowed to own a business of loyal customers on a peak 4000 percent.

Another issue is that of the local winemakers craft struggling to find customers. Then hire a social media marketing, and enjoy the power of Twitter to gain exposure for your brand, business picked up and is now one of the local restaurants a regular customer.

They are both excellent examples of small businesses that are not normally associated with high technology to gain a strategic advantage. It is not only to use technology, however. Around them the right approach, and adapt to the changes that can help improve productivity and reduce costs.

There are many small businesses are still running Windows XP or inventory management or customer database, the server laitteisto.Monet older small businesses, slower continue to throw your money by placing ads in the yellow pages to print so many people throw them directly to recycling, but a recent study by American Express found that more than half of small businesses do not use social media.

The old axiom, "it is not broke, do not fix it" seems at the heart of how businesses running.The problem with hope, saying that it is often not really noticed it was broken.

Windows XP is still underway and software tools for your business needs, so it may seem a Nasira.Ngunit Windows 8 and Windows 7 has a number of innovations and features that allow you to work more effectively to manage and less bothered to find information, connect to network resources without much frustration and protect your computer against attacks, and compromise a good thing.

The old server is technically possible to do, but at what price? The new devices have a faster processor and more hearts. The new server to replace the processing power of the server to stand for five or ten years. New material is also more energy efficient, so you can get more done in less time, and disconnect the power supply and cooling.

It is true that if something is not broken, you should not waste the time or resources to address them. When it comes to technology, however, especially for small and medium-sized investment in technology will pay for itself and give your company a strategic advantage to help them grow.
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