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British scientists invented "Urine Battery" for mobile phone charging c

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday 27 July 2013 | 09:12

According BBC17 reported that British scientists develop fuel use urine bacterial decay of urine to produce electricity from your phone. 

Reported that one of the inventors,  in urine generations, so it is particularly interesting to study. He said: "The benefits of this fuel is that we no longer trust the wind and solar energy, but the utilization of energy. Urine limitless addition, they may have long-term supply contracts."

 The results are published in "According to reports, the research team culture bacteria carbon electrode, carbon ceramic cylinder, when the cylinder through the urine, bacterial decomposition of chemical substances in the urine electrons accumulate electric charge stored in the capacitor, and then disbanded. Currently, scientists do fuel the car battery of the same size.

 Dr said that he hoped to develop a variety of items, such as batteries, the goal is to make it easier to do.

the fuel used to recharge the phone battery is approximately 50 ml of urine, power steering, enough to make a smart phone SMS, Internet, phone, short fight ., and it is still fuel in the prototype stage, we can not provide a lot of power. Yet scientists say the fuel needed to make just about 1 pound (about 10 yuan), perhaps the future of low cost energy production in new ways

The research team believes that the fuel cell can be installed in the bathroom, such as lighting, showers, razors, etc. to provide electricity or play the advantages of low cost, remote areas in developing countries. estimated that every livestock and animal excretion in the urine up to 38 billion liters.
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