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New technology is expected to enable early detection of breast cancer

Penulis : Unknown on Monday 3 June 2013 | 08:36

New technology is expected to enable early detection of breast cancer diagnosis and more prRecently, the Chinese self-developed light scattering ultrasound breast imaging system has been put into trial operation, the advent of this technology enables early detection of breast cancer diagnosis and more precise.

Breast cancer is currently the highest incidence of female cancer, every year 40 million people die of the disease, and early diagnosis, early treatment is crucial to saving lives.

The diagnosis of breast cancer screening tool include molybdenum target X-ray radiography, B ultrasound, CT scans, MRI, PET / CT, radionuclide tomography (ECT), galactography so on. Molybdenum target X-ray photography has good diagnostic yield, but with radiation, to be squeezed, there is limited applicability.
Recently, the Chinese self-developed light scattering ultrasound breast imaging system has been put into trial operation, the advent of this technology enables early detection of breast cancer diagnosis and more precise.
It also released a 0.45T permanent magnet MRI systems, magnetic resonance imaging navigation system was successfully developed intervention messages.

B-ultrasound easy to operate, have a good physical resolution, but the lack of specificity of judgment. CT also molybdenum drone radiation, MRI, PET / CT has a good performance, but the cost is high.

OPTIMUS ultrasound breast imaging system consists of light scattering XinAoMDT University of Connecticut and the United States after five years of successful development of the organic integration of ultrasonic and laser imaging technology: Ultrasound imaging can detect damage to a few millimeters in diameter, the size of the breast, with a high spatial resolution ; and functional imaging of the diffuse scattering of laser light scattering tomography use technology effectively distinguish between benign and malignant tumors, different organizations have unique spectral characteristics, and thus to different wavelengths of light imaging changes in breast tissue and tumors with high specificity and sensitivity. OPTIMUS organically combines the advantages of ultrasound and photon imaging to achieve localization of breast cancer, qualitative, non-destructive and early diagnosis.

There is another way to teach you five breast self-examination

There was a woman with a family history of breast cancer, or to accompany her mother to see a doctor when the doctor in earnest to learn breast self-examination. She knew that the mother's condition is neither do breast self-examination, do not go to the hospital for clinical examination and delay. From the 30s onwards, this woman every month to give myself a breast self-examination, self-examination every time she would after a long comfortable tones. However, once she suck down air, because she took out a mass of about 1 cm in size. Clinically diagnosed as a breast cancer tumors.

Because it was discovered in time, surgery well, and later by your doctor, in addition to self-examination and review regularly to the hospital. Then, 10 years later, this woman's breast conditions have been good.

The accelerated pace of modern urban life, women face life and work pressures, consequent negative effects on the health status is ignored. Breast cancer - the most common malignancy of this woman in the world the incidence is increasing. For women in the United States incidence of malignant tumors in the first place, women accounted for 26% of cancer incidence and mortality, accounting for 18%. According to incomplete statistics, in China the incidence of breast cancer in 1980, the number of 30,900 people, accounting for the number of cancer incidence ninth place, while in 1985 rose to No. 7, the incidence doubling in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and other medical conditions in their cities better morbidity, mortality has increased significantly. Because breast tissue is located in the surface, so it is easy through self-examination and early detection of abnormal changes.

Breast examination is the best time of the month immediately after menstruation (as compared swollen breasts before menstruation and vulnerability), experts believe that such checks should be done once a month, preferably at the same time each month. Relatively easy to carry out self-examination may be in the shower, put on some soap because after feeling the breast tissue more easily. You can first hand pressing the breast tissue, and then circle in the breast, and then continue pressing the breast tissue. Standing posture relatively easy to check the upper and outer breast, about half of the tumors growing in these areas. Because breast tissue will produce a different posture feeling, so in addition to standing checks, you should lie down for a more detailed examination. Check the right breast while lying in the left shoulder Xiadian pillows, and put his right hand into the back of the head, so you can make the breast of fat dispersed to both sides to make it easier for you come into contact with the breast. Check the steps are: first with the middle three fingers of the left hand circle around the breast, and then press the breast from top to bottom, and then radially outward from the nipple pressed (this process has always been not to leave finger breasts). To ensure good anywhere over the breast, which are three steps you can omit step, and then repeat the above action check LIMA.

1 breast lumps: more commonly in unilateral breast, hard, increasing rapidly, can be active,

If the breast or chest wall invasion and poor is active or fixed.

2 nipple changes: tumor invasion of the nipple can cause nipple retraction. If the lump is large, can cause breast enlargement side, making both sides of the nipple can not maintain the same level.

3 skin changes: Breast cancer affects the skin can cause specific changes in the skin, with the most vivid metaphor orange peel; there is a special type of breast cancer, mainly for inflammatory breast skin changes color from light pink to dark skin red, accompanied by skin edema, thickening, surface temperature, by the partial expansion to the whole breast.

4 nipple discharge: If you did not find significant mass, but appear bloody nipple discharge or fluid also should be timely treatment, vigilant breast cancer.

5 lymphadenopathy: If you find axillary, extracurricular lymph nodes appear, especially hard, active poor (can also be active), and the possibility of breast cancer should be suspected.

Obese women, early menarche, and must go through late, have a family history of breast cancer and other high-risk population groups, such as the performance of the above should be noted.

With the development of oncology, breast cancer awareness is also more profound, gradual improvement of treatment, the development of effective anti-cancer drugs, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy comprehensive treatment modalities used, making the breast treatment has significantly improved, but early detection and early treatment is still the best prognosis. Data show that, if caught early, 95% of breast cancer can be cured

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